Monday, June 1, 2009

Photos are a wonderful thing

I know there are many reasons why having lots of photographs around is a good idea, but I was reminded of a very important one tonight. We decided to move Miss M into Miss A's room tonight as Miss A has been out of her crib for a few weeks now and Miss M was rapidly reaching the limits of her bassinet. Well, 3 hours later I finally got both girls settled. During those 3 hours, it was difficult to see my children as anything other than screaming, wailing, and throwing all out temper tantrums, however once I looked at my computer and a handful of photos I took of Miss M right before bedtime started, those thoughts quickly vanished and were replaced by the sweet faces that are normally seen!

4 Months Old

4 months again

It's hard to believe that this sweet little face could scream so loudly!

And who would think that Miss A could be anything other than a little Angel :)

21 months

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