Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Revisited

Although both Los & I swore that Halloween would not be as last minute as it was last year (got Miss A's costume the night before Halloween!), it didn't quite work out that way! It did end up being rather last minute, but between a good friend loaning us an adorable costume for Miss M and making a quick trip to Target to find something for Miss A, we ended up with 2 very cute costumed girls!



Since Miss A is now 2 we decided that we would take her trick-or-treating just around our circle of about 12 homes. She understood that she was supposed to knock on the door and say "Treat Please!" - unfortunately she now thinks that works all of the time!

trick or treating

Even though they only went to a handful of houses, she still ended up with a pumpkin full of treats!
Inspecting the loot

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