Tuesday, February 23, 2010

47/365 - Back to Swimming

The girls are back to swim lessons (ISR technically) and so are the telltale signs:
1) Crazy, unruly hair
2) Stamps on both hands (during the summertime it was feet too - and legs, and arms, and every inch of skin Miss A could stamp before I caught her!)
3) and Miss M looking absolutely exhausted!


Miss A also spent some time taking photos like Mummy. Last week she saw me setting up flowers for this series of photos. Today she got her camera out and then had to "put water" on the flowers just as I did.



  1. So adorable!! I want to see some of Miss A's photos!

  2. That would require finding the cord for the camera! Not to mention the camera itself needs new batteries... One of these days I'll get around to it :)
