Thursday, January 28, 2010

22/365 - A Birthday Wish

Today my baby girl Miss M turn one year old. It's hard to believe that it's already been a year and at the same time I can't believe it's only been a year. I can't imagine my life without her in it! Miss M is her own person in so many ways - I can already tell that she will be one to push the rules and will probably get into her fair share of trouble but will have a lot of fun while doing it.

Today we celebrated her birthday with lemon cupcakes - fitting because before she was born, we called her Lemon. Maya loved every bite of her cupcake and probably would have eaten more if we let her!

22a/365 - Birthday girl

22d/365 - Wish

22b/365 - All Mine

22c/365 - Sugar Rush

Happy Birthday my sweet girl. I wish for you a life full of love & happiness and for this to be only the first of many very happy birthdays that I can share with you.


  1. Very cute pics Em! Congratulations, I think first birthdays are a huge accomplishment for the mom more than anyone. I would love to meet your girls and have a playdate.

  2. Sooo precious! I love the one with all three of your kiddos blowing out the candle. You are so talented!

  3. Thanks everyone :)

    Niru - If we're ever in the same area, we'll have to get together!

  4. Emily how darling your two little ones are! Sounds like Miss M takes after her Uncle Don...know how much he loves lemon too. Hope to see you again, maybe next time you are in Philly. We are getting lots of snow in DE. Have at least six inches and is still snowing.

    Michelle wanted a white Christmas so we gave her a blizzard. Thank goodness she got in a few days before. Loved the pix of your girls and Gracie...had a lot of fun with my cousins...hope they will get to be able to get to know each other as they grow up. Lots of love coming to each of you.
