Wednesday, January 13, 2010

6/365 - A little late

Ok, so I realize that this post is a day late and technically I did take this photo today instead of yesterday.... but really it's about yesterday so I figured it counts :)

Yesterday my need to make my house look like a home again and not like a disheveled toy store took over. To help with that goal, we took a trip to IKEA and came away with a storage solution for all of the toys the girls received for Christmas.

I was up until after midnight building both this storage system & a new rocking chair for the girls so the photo had to wait until the am.

day 6

Now my only questions is: Should I make fabric panels (almost like mini-curtains) to cover the opening when the girls aren't using the toys? Right now I feel like looks a little too utilitarian for what I want in my living room. Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Jackson has that in his room! I love it! So far, he hasn't tried to use them as steps. :)
